“This was a phenomenal team effort for one of the largest complex turnarounds (TA) this refinery has ever seen, plus a major capital project with the coke drums. We are in a good spot. Coker and coke drum project hit their [duration] targets exactly. And, given the size of the event and the scale of discovery work, the 4 crude TAs came fairly close to their target.”

Refinery General Manager
Project Info

Turnarounds at this client’s oil and gas refineries ran over schedule and resulted in significant lost profit opportunity. RLG’s suite of Project Excellence tools brought early exposure to the schedule down to the front lines, frequent challenges to the logic, tasks, and durations, and the opportunity for all stakeholders to optimize the plan.

Project Highlights

  • Schedules refined using RLG’s TMP (Theoretical Maximum Performance) process: frequent schedule quality reviews and optimization events involving key front line stakeholders
  • TA over-runs improved 81% from an average of 6 days longer than schedule P50 to 1.2 days
  • $19.9 million of lost profit opportunity avoided


“Sure, we might have hit P50 but you [RLG] being here brought the discipline we needed to definitely hit P50.”

Refinery Maintenance Manager